Sunday, October 18, 2009

New Calling

Today I got called as the new teacher's quorum president. My counselors and secretary are Nathan Espinoza, Justin Snow, and Jacob Palmer. I'm excited to make some positive changes in this group of kids!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

New School Year

Our vacation was very fun this summer- so it didn't exactly work out with the whole keeping you posted ha ha whoops sorry. But school has already started (eighth week) and it's going OK. This is going to be one of my hardest years I'm predicting but I have good teachers. I'm doing tap again, as well as band. So far we are undefeated in both field and street for the past three years- in the highest division! All those Long practices are paying off. The fun part of the season is also here with the competition days. Can you believe Thanksgiving will be here in a month? This year has flown by It seems we skipped part of it. But i guess when you're busy, time flies. If i find out, I'll try and put some pictures up from the trip, otherwise you'll just have to see them in Mom's newest vacation scrapbook.
Well, have a great day :)

Friday, July 3, 2009


I am so excited we get to go on vacation! As well as efy! Also we get to see the Laitinens!!!!!! Hopefully Dad will take his laptop so we can keep you posted on our journeys. Tomorrow I'm going to be in the first parade of the season. It will be on tv as well as the internet. Not a formal parade AT all, however we still sound good. Tah tah for now,

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Beautiful Sunday

I look out the window this morning and wake to a bright warm day. I think about our Father's and Son camp out this past Friday and reflected back on the start of the overnight with David and Reed. How small they were and attention they needed as they experienced this tradition in the church. We have camped, spent nights in the RV and this time Reed and David slept by themselves in the tent while slept in the truck. It was a wonderful night and peaceful morning as we gathered with other Ward members. we talked to everyone, mostly hung around Sean Wilde and Andrew, Fred Hanson and his son in law and grandson, and Reed played with all the 12 year olds. I spent cooking bacon and sausage on the grill. It was fun, there was not much to do at this site so everyone packed up and headed for home.
David, I think is our new detail guy. Earning $30.00 washing and cleaning interior of all three cars on Saturday before dance rehearsal. Great Job David.
Work has been very busy I am worn out with the call volume and lack of sleep and debating applying for transfer to a slower Station. The station I am at is great it is just for younger Captain. My good friend just happens to be over the division I am looking into. He can suggest moves but the Chief has the final say so. That is it for now. LC

Monday, April 27, 2009

We had a wonderful occassion in our family. Reed turned 12 on March 31st and then received the priesthood on April 12th (Easter Sunday!). He looked extremely handsome in his new coat and tie, and suddenly seemed that much older. He lucked out when the Bishop called him up to the stand because he (the Bishop) forgot to have Reed recite his favorite article of faith! Reed sat down with a huge smile and a sigh of relief to have that over with. He was ordained in his deacon's quorum by his dad. Also in the circle were Uncle Steve, Jack Crowder, Ryan Delahunty, Sean Wilde, Jim Nelson, Sal Yrunguray, Bishop Tjaden and Brian Koontz. It was a wonderful experience. Reed is a terrific son! We love him and are very proud of all his good decisions and achievements. When David gets home I'll have him add a picture (I haven't figured that out yet...sorry).
Love, Mom

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Testing is so long. You finish impossible questions about stuff your teachers flat out say to you,"We'll learn that in the nxt unit" and on stuff you learned the second day of school. Then you sit there and do nothing and it is so unproductive. On a positive note, I got new rainbows, my birthday is in a month and two days, and last night I went over to my friends house and we slept on the trampoline It was a lot more fun then it sounds!


Monday, April 20, 2009


We are finishing finals this week. Last night Greg and Heather came over with their five-week old baby Rex! He's so tiny and I got to hold him the whole time! Raimo kept giving me the "don't get any ideas" look. Oh Raimo . . . I've had "ideas" since I was five years old. But for the time being, baby Rex will have to suffice.